The response to the 30 Days of Hustle Challenge so far has been amazing!
Over 600 of you have already signed up to be a part of the 30 Days of Hustle Challenge next month for the 50% off Early Bird registration rate!
Remember, in 3 days it goes away (midnight on Friday), so don’t miss out – register now!
(Note: registration is currently closed, click here to join the wait list. It will open again on Dec. 28, 2015.)
I’ve also received a bunch of great questions, so I thought I’d share a few of the best ones to let you know a little bit more about the challenge.
Question #1 – I’d like to go through the 30 Days of Hustle Challenge, but January is a tough month for me. Can I go through it in February?
Of course you can go through it in February. The Challenge is set up so that you’ll get the full 8000-word workbook before the challenge begins, and then daily emails throughout January. You can read through the emails when you get them, or set them aside for February, that’s up to you.
You do need to register this month though, because the only two windows to sign up for the challenge are now through Friday (half-priced at $30) or Dec. 28 – Jan. 1(full-priced at $60).
Question #2 – Is it true that your wife Jenny will be a part of the 30 Days of Hustle Challenge material?
Yes, 100% true! We’ve talked about doing a book someday, and that still might happen, but for now we’re really enjoying being able to share ideas on video. Jenny will definitely be a part of the videos, and honestly, that alone is worth the price of admission. Jenny is awesome!
Question #3 – I went through 30 Days of Hustle the last time you did it and loved it, but it is worth going through again?
Definitely! Even if the Challenge was exactly the same I still believe it would help you crush your goal and start 2016 in an awesome way.
That being said, there’s a lot that’s new this time around. I’ve updated the workbook, I’ve added a brand new video for each day of the Challenge, and there’s a new community going through it this time. Honestly, I think you’re going to love it even more this time around!
Question #4 – Are you really giving away a falcon as a bonus for signing up for the challenge?
There’s nothing I’d love more than to give everyone the gift of falconry, but alas, bonus falcons would be a logistical nightmare. (side note: “Bonus Falcons” is a fantastic band name, feel free to use it.)
I am giving away a Bonus PDF to everyone who registers for the Challenge. While not as prone to hunt prey as a falcon, it will offer you more help as you pursue your dreams.
It’s called Living Loud in a World Full of Haters, and it features my best ideas on chasing your dream in a critical world. Everyone who signs up for the Early Bird rate gets it FREE!
Question #5 – Is it worth doing the Challenge if I can’t decide what it is I should hustle on?
I’ll flip that back on you and say that the people who need the challenge the most are the ones who can’t decide what to hustle on. One of fear’s most powerful tactics is to paralyze you into doing nothing by telling you you have to be 100% sure about your next step. The thing is, that’s a lie.
Through the material and the community that comes with 30DOH, we’ll help you figure out what to hustle on. Because in the end it’s not about choosing something and hoping you made the “right choice,” it’s about taking action and making progress in the face of fear.
Question #6 – Can my “hustle” be anything? What if I want my hustle to be ‘eating more queso’?
First off, yes, your hustle can be anything. We’ll talk more about that on Day 1 of the Challenge.
Second off, I do not recommend ‘eating more queso’ as a hustle if you are already eating a lot of queso. Take it from the 2008 version of Jon Acuff, it’s not a great idea.
Question #7 – I loved your “Hustle Has Seasons” video because I’m definitely in a busy season right now. Is it worth going through the Challenge if the thing I want to hustle on is relatively small?
Absolutely! It’s easy to diminish “small” dreams when we think they don’t stack up to what others are doing, but I can tell you from experience that some of the people who have gotten the most out of 30DOH in the past had what you might call “small” dreams.
From spending 15 minutes of focused time with family members, to cutting out one soda per day, to reading more fiction, I have seen many people achieve their “small” goals in 30DOH and not only find satisfaction in it, but also use the momentum to achieve bigger goals down the road as well.
Question #8 – Will the challenge connect me with helpful people? They say social media makes it easy to make connections, but it’s never been easy for me.
Everyone needs community to accomplish their goals, which is why my favorite part of the 30 Days of Hustle Challenge is the private Facebook community. You’ll be joined by hundreds of other people just like you who are daring to hustle on their goals and be more this year than they were last year.
If you join the Challenge and get plugged in to the group, I guarantee you’ll find a helpful community that’s eager to help you succeed.
Question #9 – Will you be opening up another “surprise” Early Bird window at Christmas?
Nope, when I say that this window is the last chance to join the Challenge for $30, I mean it.
You’ve got less than 3 days to grab the Early Bird rate, so don’t miss it!
(Note: registration is currently closed, click here to join the wait list. It will open again on Dec. 28, 2015.)
Have any other questions I missed?
Ask them in the comments and I’ll try to answer some of them!