Last week, I saw an ad for a luxury travel company. The tag line for the vacations they offer is, “Come back new.” The promise is that if you go on one of their trips, you’ll come back new.
Although I think that’s a bit of an overpromise, there’s only one word they got wrong.
The tag line should have said, “Come back you,” because ultimately that’s what we all want.
That’s why we do diets and write books and start businesses. We believe we are capable of more. We believe that there is more to us than meets the eye. We believe that life or bad decisions have covered up a piece of us that is vital. Even if parents and friends and bosses don’t believe in us, that small voice that says “What if?” persists.
New Year’s Resolutions are often our attempt to uncover what has lain dormant and hidden for far too long. It’s our attempt to dream and do, which is perfect because there’s something you need to know.
We don’t need you to be new, we need you to be you. The world is currently short one you.
For the next 48 hours or so registration for my 90-Day Finish Course is open. A PhD named Mike Peasley helped me create a challenge that gives you all the tools you need to complete the goals you care about the most.
It’s not for everyone. It’s for a percent of a percent of a percent of the people reading this.
But if it’s for you, if you’re curious about what it looks like to actually finish, if you’ve got even the smallest glimmer of a goal, I dare you to try it.