by Jon Acuff | Jul 28, 2015 | Hustle
When I write, I start by creating an “honest draft.” That means I suspend that part of myself that is desperately thinking, “Will people like this? Will people like me? Will they be mad or happy with this sentence?” I struggle with wanting everyone on the planet to...
by Jon Acuff | Apr 9, 2015 | Skills
I spent four years in college studying journalism. I then spent 17 years as a full time, professional writer. I’ve written and published five books, but it wasn’t until this last one that I learned 3 important lessons about writing. (I was going to say, “lessons that...
by Jon Acuff | Jan 28, 2015 | Hustle
Every writer secretly believes in the writer’s cabin. In our heads we see a small isolated cabin in a quiet patch of woods. There’s a porch with a swing out front. We sit on that when we need a break from all the amazing words we’ve written inside....
by Jon Acuff | Oct 27, 2014 | Uncategorized
If you’re an author, and lots of you are, you are going to sign books. Here’s a trick my friend Robert D. Smith taught me. Always sign in blue sharpie, not black. Why? Well, the publisher can publish in black. Sometimes books are printed with a signature....
by Jon Acuff | Jun 16, 2014 | Uncategorized
One of my current favorite songs is “The Mute” by Radical Face. It’s worth a listen and in it you’ll hear some amazing story telling. Here are 5 story telling techniques I love: 1. Keep it simple. Don’t confuse big words with big heart....