
In a few weeks I turn 40. When I was 20 I thought that age meant you were half dead. I distinctly remember thinking, “Whoa, people in their 40s are super old! I hope they get enough calcium for their brittle, brittle bones.” Now that I’m almost 40, I’ve completely changed how I think about that age. If Jay-Z can do 40, so can Jon!

I’ve also changed how I think about resolutions. In four decades on the planet, save for the times I’ve jumped in the air, I’ve learned something simple. Results are more fun than resolutions, but you don’t get the first without the second.

[Tweet “Results are more fun than resolutions, but you don’t get the first without the second. “]

If you’re having a hard time coming up with a resolution, here are 37 resolutions you could pick from:

1. Be able to do 50 pushups in a row.

2. Complete all my tax returns on time.

3. Give my notice at my corporate job to make a living on my passion.

4. Launch a new blog.

5. Make at least one connection in the industry I want to break into.

6. Get my house clean enough for company and keep it there.

7. Write a Bible study based on an idea I’ve had for a long time.

8. Cut out all soft drinks and lose five pounds.

9. Start an LLC and start raising finances for it.

10. Try juicing.

11. Complete all the paperwork necessary to become a foster parent.

12. Sell several art pieces and secure a booth at a local boutique.

13. Lose eight pounds.

14. Submit a short story to a magazine.

15. Practice piano 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

16. Focus each day on worrying less.

17. Prep and finish three furniture pieces.

18. Do one extra nice thing for my spouse every day.

19. Walk 10,000 steps five days a week and work out three days a week.

20. Learn about and start a new eating plan.

21. Spend more time marketing my business.

22. Wake up earlier and spend more time reading.

23. Keep a daily journal the entire month.

24. Do a random act of kindness for someone each day.

25. Write chapter one of my new book.

26. Ask my wife on more dates.

27. Write at least one new song.

28. Clean my house and get rid of as much junk as possible.

29. Focus on saving money for a plane ticket to Europe.

30. Be in bed before midnight every night.

31. Create a new online course for my blog.

32. Lose ten pounds.

33. Host my first webinar.

34. Launch and market my first video game.

35. Get accepted to the World Race.

36. Set up an Etsy shop and sell my first painting.

37. Be kinder to myself and think more positive thoughts for a month.

You know what the best part about this list of resolutions is?

Those aren’t resolutions. Those are results from some of the folks who went through 30 Days of Hustle last year. Every single item on that list is something that someone accomplished during the 30 Days of Hustle Challenge last year. There were 10,000 people who went through the program and the results they had were awesome.

So, if you’re ready to trade resolutions for results, join the 30 Days of Hustle Challenge.

(Note: registration is currently closed, click here to join the wait list. It will open again on Dec. 28, 2015.)