3 Secrets to a Healthy Work-Life Balance

3 Secrets to a Healthy Work-Life Balance

How do you balance work, business travel and family life? It’s a question I get all the time for all the reasons you think. Let me first say that I’m not an expert at this. I don’t always get it right, but I have learned a few things over the years...

100 Words: The gift & danger of friends.

Whether you’re 14 or 44, the company you keep, determines the heights that you will peak. We understood this as teens. Peer pressure was a thing, your mom didn’t want you to hang out with “that kid.” But your mom doesn’t know who you hang out at work with and the...

Stop trying to make everyone like you.

The reason we argue with the critics and ignore the people who like us is simple: We want everyone to like us. We want a 100% approval rating. I’m here to tell you, it’s not coming. Not because you’re dumb. Not because you’re lazy. Not because you just haven’t tried...

Stop saying, “I had to ask!”

“I had to ask!” No, you didn’t. You wanted to ask and there’s a big difference between those two things. In Do Over, I spend 25% of the book talking about the importance of relationships. Why? Because relationships often get you the first gig. Someone will take a...