Why should you get Finish on Audiobook or CD?
Because doing this is illegal.
Right now the FINISH Audiobook is only $14.70 on Audible.
And if you’re still rocking a CD player in your car, it’s only $16.67 with Free Prime Shipping.
What will the FINISH Audiobook help you finish?
Here are twelve things people just like you have been finishing with the book:
1. The diet you’ve always started.
2. The book you’ve want to write.
3. The business you’ve wanted to launch.
4. The room(s) you’ve wanted to declutter.
5. The race you’ve wanted to run.
6. The trip you’ve wanted to save up for and take.
7. The degree you’ve always wanted.
8. The hobby you’ve wanted to dive into.
9. The relationship you’ve wanted to improve.
10. The project you can’t seem to finish.
11. The habit you can’t seem to break.
12. The dream you can’t seem to shake.
Make the most of your commute, but don’t do it illegally!
Get the audio version of Finish today!
P.S. – If you’re wondering whose voice it is that reads the audio book, it’s me! I love reading my books for audio; it’s one of my favorite things about being an author. I even like to add bonus stories and change up words from time to time. In the industry, we call that an audible. (See what I did there?) If you’ve never heard me read one of my books before, Finish is the perfect one to start with!