Next to relationships, skills are the most important thing you can have when it comes to chasing a dream. Whether you want to write a book, start a business, like your current job more, or turn a hobby into a job, you need skills. That’s why 25% of my new book Do Over is dedicated to helping build your skills.
The challenge though is that skills get sharp slowly and dull quickly.
[Tweet “Skills get sharp slowly and dull quickly.”]
Not this summer though.
We’re going to work on our skills together. We’re not just going to talk. We’re going to do. We’re not just going to dream. We’re going to do. We’re not just going to wish. We’re going to do.
DO Summer is simple.
1. Pick one skill you want to work on.
It can be a completely new skill or something you used to love that fell behind in the busyness of life. It can be career related like working on your resume or life related like jogging for better health. (I’m picking writing for mine because I didn’t write for a solid month and could feel that skill getting rusty.)
2. Work on the skill for 1,500 minutes this summer in easy 15-minute segments.
I’ve created a free worksheet that helps you track time in 15-minute chunks. Each time you knock out 15 minutes, color in one of the boxes on the sheet.
3. Read the quick, weekly skill tip I email you each Monday from Do Over.
You’ll get 60 seconds of I dare you to be awesome content for the next 12 weeks.
4. Share your results each Monday morning online with #DOSummer2015
I’ve been blown away by how motivating a little visibility is when I use my Fitbit step tracker with friends from the Internet. You’ll be surprised how encouraging having other people cheer you on is. As part of DO Summer, you’ll also get invited to the exclusive, private 30 Days of Hustle Facebook group for wildly fun accountability.
That’s it. At the end of the summer, if you spend 1,500 minutes on your DO, you will have invested 25 hours in a skill. There’s no telling what positive habits, life changing opportunities and unexpected adventures you can stir up by doing something so simple.
You ready to DO Summer?
You ready to make a small investment in your big dream?
I am.
8/22/2015 UPDATE: DO Summer was a ton of fun, but being that the summer is over, we’ve closed this campaign. If you want us to let you know the next time we do something like this, and you’re not already subscribed to my newsletter to receive all my new ideas via email, sign up here!